by Jeffrey Murrell

Fate of Rabbit;
enemies, all alone,
lies, deception all around.
Others, once loved,
easy come, easy go!

Fate of Rabbit,
all alone,
nibbling green love,
green, all alone,
miserable alive,
living lies
of others

Without you,
without hope
Dancing, once again
dead in spirit,
dead in hope,
utterly gone.
Wishing death come.

Tears tears flow
from Rabbit eyes all alone,
abandoned hope,
last chance gone.
Old Rabbit,
young soul.
God's plan?
(He can only hope.)

Paranoia haunts us both,
paranoid of haunting loves.
Ghosts and poems
hunt Rabbit down,
catch him by the toe,
rip his flesh like his soul,
destroy him,
make him old.

Gentle Ox works the fields,
tilling ground, sewing seeds,
replenishing, nourishing,
there, again, out of nowhere,
Ox hope brings.
"Bright, patient and inspiring . . ."
There, again, for me.

Tired Rabbit runs away
from hope of love,
hope of more pain.
Tired Rabbit of eating grass,
getting kicked to the curb,
out on his ass,
feeding off his blood
his enemies.
All around him
his enemies.

Gentle Ox, be his friend.
Love him, inspire him
to love once again.
Plow ahead a field of dreams
to spend the rest of your life in.
Love him, be patient,
and will he love you, too?

Injured Rabbit,
out on his ass.
Beaten and abused,
mauled and used,
almost useless, lifeless,
almost no use.
Almost in a coffin,
seeing no use to living,
seeing no use to loving,
almost in a coffin.

Thank God for the dark club lights--
spinning, exotic, sly.
Thank God for the setting--
Thank Ox for the smile!
Thank you, Ox, for coming over,
for getting down.
Thank God for Ox for Rabbit frown.
Thank God for Ox,
that's all for now,
because I'm sorry, dear Ox;
Rabbit can no longer love now.